Thursday, December 10, 2015

What I've Learned

While indulging in my online English class ENGL3043 at PVAMU, I found out that there are so many more social media uses besides the few that I'm used to using. The Tool Exploration project was the biggest one for me, I had never heard of any of those tools that were options to use. I actually got vey frustrated doing the project because there was a file that I had to download for every assignment in the project but for some reason it did not let me download it, no matter what computer I used. I can say that although I am a procrastinator, and I waited until the last 3 days to complete all of the assignments and projects I learned so much doing all of this work and I'm so glad that I did not drop the course. Even though I won't make an A or B, I'm proud of everything that I have done thus far for the class and I'm looking forward to using all of the things that I learned while participating in the class. I also learned that my horrible habit of procrastination is not so beneficial in this case because there was a deadline to meet in order to make an A or B in the class. I still got everything done though because of my procrastinating habit and I'm good with it . When I procrastinate I make sure it is my best work done quick fast and in a hurry. But what I have learned is that being a procrastinator is not always good.

My First Lesson

In my first reading course as an Interdisciplinary Studies major, it was a requirement to construct a reading lesson to teach to the class. We were to choose a grade level as well as a reading skill to teach. After that was complete, we needed to go through the texas essential knowledge and skills as well as the educator standards and also the international reading association standards. All of these things I had never heard of before but I also learned that in order to obtain my certification I would have to be tested on all of these things. This class was the first I encountered and I am happy to say that I'm glad it was my first class as an educator because it taught me so much and the professor that I had made sure that I was prepared for anything that comes my way as a teacher.

Children Can Also Inspire Us

Even though we are supposed to be the ones inspiring children, sometimes we find that we ourselves need inspiration. Sometimes the ones inspiring us are the ones that we're responsible for building up. Most are surprised that when they are down and going through rough times, their students notice when they are not themselves and everything is not fine with them. That is also the time that is the biggest eye opener for teachers when they see their students enforcing all the tactics they use on them to inspire and build up their teachers. Teachers are the basis for great people and that is what makes the world go around. If we teach greatness to those we encounter it will reflect on us how good we are at what we do and the importance of our jobs as well as our position in every child's life that we encounter. When we get that one child who was struggling in a subject area to master all the skills they need to know that is also inspiration for us that shows that we are who we say we are. We are teachers and we most definitely are good at what we do.

It Is Up To Us

In my last post, I discussed the topic of children being the future. Every person starts off the beginning stages of their life as a child. I find myself asking the question how do we get children through the barriers of life and lead them to their destiny. Teachers are the most important because they are the leaders of the future and the children they teach are the future. It is up to us to really invest time and love into our students. Most students we encounter don't have the luxury of having a solid support system in their family life so that is where we step in and become their sole support system. We do this by encouraging them day by day even when they don't believe in themselves and it seems that all hope is lost. It is up to us to believe that the fire in them can't die, we are the ones who have to keep that fire lit in them so that they can be great at whatever they choose to do in their lives in the future when they are adults.

Children ARE the Future

I've stated before that it is important for educators to believe that all children can learn. As well as believing that there are no bad children. There is a song that says that children are the future and if you really think about it, every politician was once a child, every scientist was once a child. The only way that these important people get the idea to do any of the things they do now is because of a teacher they encountered somewhere along the way when they were discovering what they wanted to do in life as a profession. In fact most famous people admit that they gained their inspiration from a teacher that they had when they were younger and sadly most of the teachers they admit to having were bad teachers who doubted them and got annoyed by them.

We're Not Alone

Throughout the last three semesters of my interdisciplinary studies career I have met quite a few people who also share my passion for teaching as well as being a teacher. One thing that I love about the Whitlow R. Green College of Education and its students is how close knit everyone is to one another. Everyone is willing to help each other out in times of struggle and when someone needs help we all bind together to succeed. Cheating is never an option, we always find the answer through research and experience so that we come up with the most accurate response. We always make sure that when we are helping each other we are doing so with the idea that we are already teachers in mind. Teachers make lives better and they build dreams. It is important to have someone on your side when you're a teacher to help keep you motivated when you lose sight of your vision and why you became a teacher in the first place.

Choosing What to Teach

During my first semester as an Interdisciplinary Studies major, I took a reading course entitled Foundations of Reading Instruction. This class was at first very stressful especially since the syllabus was 20 plus pages long. I had never had a class with more than 4 pages of a syllabus. My classmates reassured me that the class was not as hard as the professor made it seem. Every assignment we did came straight from our textbook and that book contained aspects of reading I had never heard of. I became interested in the new concepts and terms I was encountering and I decided that my strong point was reading and that is exactly what I would teach to my future students. I believe that reading is fundamental and it is the basis of everything that we do in our everyday lives. I was unaware at the beginning of my educational journey that teachers didn’t have to necessarily pick one area subject to teach, but they could choose to teach all of the core subjects or they could teach the non-core subjects.

Staying Focused

It took me until my junior year of college to actually change my major and area of focus to Interdisciplinary Studies. I ultimately thought that it would be smooth sailing when I chose this major just because I had been a teacher at a daycare center 2 years prior. The work for the courses I started with appeared to be hard but I found that when I began working on projects and assignments I was enjoying do every one of them (unless it was group work) and it was not as strenuous to do like it was for my other core classes. Someone once told me that when you find what you’re meant to be doing, it will not stress you out or be hard for you to do and indeed I have loved every second of my education ever since. Studying to be a teacher can be very exciting especially when you have small class sizes and everyone around you is willing to share their input and ideas.


When it comes to being a teacher, we have to have inspiration to teach. I believe that among all professions being a teacher is the hardest. We set the foundation for all students when we teach them all subject areas. When they encounter these subject areas, this is where they begin to gain ideas of what they would like to do when they get older and have a job. As for me when I was younger I gained my inspiration from my second grade teacher Ms. Lorie Cox. She at first seemed to be very mean and pushy towards me, but it took her pulling me out into the hallway to tell me that she is only hard on me because she believed in me and that I could one day change someone’s life for me to realize that I needed to get myself together and be excited about learning. I needed to do this so that I could not only make her proud but also my parents who invested so much time into me. Also children I encountered from that point on inspired me to be serious about my school work as well as life lessons I learned. Teachers are the beginning of every aspect of inspiration that we encounter.

My First Blog

With this being my very first blog entry, I thought I would give brief information on my story and why I have chosen to be a teacher. I was born almost 2 months early due to a rare birth defect called the rh factor hense the name of my blog 'therhbaby'. As many doctors tell parents when their child is born early, they told my parents that it would be a miracle if I made it out of the nicu. Well here I am today and I have beat the odds of my doctors who delivered me. I believe that any child who survives being born early and beats a birth defect has a purpose. Being a teacher crossed my mind after my first year in college and I realized that it takes a teacher to bring up the next astronaut, the next politician, the next doctor who cures a disease. A teacher is the most effective profession there is and who am I to not use my second chance at life to build up the lives of children who will be the next rulers of the country.